Oct 9, 2017
Linsday Rico, professional actress and genuine human being, talks Shakespeare, being queer, and the LA vs NYC acting scenes. She's out here chasing a dream and making it happen.
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47:40 Because I think that we are all on a spectrum. Day to day I lie somewhere on the spectrum. I think that it like changes sometimes. I’m in a very committed relationship with a woman right now, but I can’t deny that I still find men attractive and I can understand why people would find men attractive.
48:52 I think that every minority enriches their role with their life experience. As a person who lies outside of the norm, we can’t deny that it’s human nature to be curious about a person’s path that’s not like ours and that we should honor that and not get so defensive about it.
1:09:55 It might not happen but I completely accept that. I might not get to do the things that I want to do, but for right now, I totally am. I truly believe that I am in the right place and though this experience has just been tremendous and so challenging, it was my first length Shakespeare. It’s like doing a play in a different language. There were a lot of things that really took me to task, for sure, during this process, but I know it made me a better performer and it certainly gave me more of life experience and challenged me to step outside my boundaries. I was afraid to do it but I think that that’s all the more reason why you should definitely, definitely do something.